Monday, May 25, 2009

This Week in Pictures

Not all of you are interested in every detail of our daughters life and not every one of our blog posts will be about her. But cut us a little slack as excited new parents - this post is going to be about her.

Well Brielle is a very good sleeper...when she is sleeping on anyone in any awkward position she can find. We have been working very hard in getting her to start sleeping in things other than our arms because we've got things to do! (Like pack an entire apartment to move in 3 weeks!) We made great strides this weekend and think we're getting somewhere!

Eating, burping, pooping, farting - all of these are Brielle's fortei. She is a champ when it comes to this - enough said.

Bath Time
I think the pictures say it all. Brielle HATES bath time. She gets this look of fear in her eyes everytime we put her in the bath and does not let up until we have her dried off and fully dressed. We do have high hopes of better bath times in the future when we can put her fully in the water.

Stroller Time
We took Brielle out on a stroller ride. This is how it ended up (see below) Once again...she ended up in somebody's arms! (Are you sensing a theme here?)

All in all we are lovin' being parents - it is certainly not easy at times but fulfilling none the less.


Corrie and Phil said...

YEAH! I was thrilled to see some new pictures. I would be happy to see a post like that every day, so don't think that you're overdoing it. That is the job of a new parent...and an old parent. I don't think it will ever stop. Anyhow, keep the pictures coming. Brielle is adorable.

Phil and I were just talking about how we miss the days when Clare used to sleep in our arms or on our chest. She'll be in the crib before you know it, and then you'll miss the snuggle time. SOAK IT UP!

tim, brooke, teagan, and wyatt said...

Adorable! Keep the pics and updates coming! You are a beautiful family! Blessings of continued joy (and rest) in the days does get easier but goes by so fast!