I thought I would do a blog entry about what the kids are into lately to give an idea of what a day in our life looks like. Starting off with Brielle...she is currently in this phase where she wants to change her clothes every 5 seconds of the day and switch from princess dress (which in our house...EVERY dress is a princess dress) to ballerina back to princess, so I thought I would just take a picture of what she wore in a single day. Out of her pj's, Brielle first asked for her ladybug costume from LAST halloween (not this past one...the one before!) So on it goes... (also...Brielle is also into just saying the word cheese for the camera...no smile... just a very emphatic cheese expression...so pardon the facial expressions...and the bed head...which is a very common hairdo for us over here!) So then out of the ladybug costume...then into a ladybug dress
Brielle is really starting to get an imagination and play pretend which is so fun to watch and also be a part of. I must admit I was a little concerned that she might have accounting written all over her future as she was naming her pet dogs such creative names as: "Brown dog", "Fire Truck Dog" and "Piper's Dog" She loves Dora and anything princess and loves to dance. She is such a sweet little thing to her brother. She always loves on him and smothers him and tries to include him in things we're doing as best as she can.
Bryce is 7 1/2 months old and can officially be labeled a crawler! Its like something finally clicked and he realized by crawling he can go anywhere he wants to! Our lives as parents just got a little busier! Bryce has always been such a smiley thing and he's always ready to flash it whenever we enter the room...just warms our hearts! He adores Brielle...so much so that whenever I carry him into Brielle's room in the morning he gets so squirmy because he wants to get down and lay and play next to her. He is always trying to be where she is. He is still not the greatest sleeper and gets up at least once during the night...which we're working on and hopefully will have figured out soon!
Bryce is also going to be our climber. he is always pulling himself up onto things and try to get up on things. Brielle was not like this at all, so I am going to have my hands full!
Here are just some pics of the 2 of them together. I just love watching them interact together and see glimpses of what kind of relationship the two of them can have as they get older. Bryce is so lucky to have a big sister like Brielle. She has not shown one ounce of jealousy whenever I need to take my attention away from her to focus on him. She just loves on him and is always throwing unexpected hugs and kisses his way.